Telephone: 01554 833162
Mobile Number: 07971 643 409


Policy Development Support and monitoring

Support given to organisation to research and engage on policy development, best practice, legislative requirement and local needs (staff and community). Setting targets and objectives and action planning the implementation of policy actions. Review and monitoring of policies utilising a variety of evaluation methods.

Grievance investigations

Providing dedicated, objective and swift grievance investigations, alleviating the need to involve staff from within the organisation resulting in a shorter timescale for investigations with the financial benefits this also provides.

Dignity at work support

Providing dignity at work interviews and research in line with the organisational policy and feedback and remedial work identified by the research. Dispute resolutions, mediation, forward planning.

Action learning group facilitation

Providing action learning and action research facilitation utilising extensive experience of facilitating groups over 10 years.

Team Building support

Through individual interviews and team interviews and assessment of group dynamics and identifying and facilitating a template for resolution. Also an opportunity to undertake external team building activities.